
SinOdor is an essential range of products for the hygiene care and maintenance of feet. These products help you to minimize or even eliminate the bad odor.

SinOdor help to reduce bad odor provoked by sweating. It has an additional protection, which avoids fungi apparition and bacteria.

Most of the cases feet bad odor is caused by an excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. To prevent this problem it is necessary maintain a good feet hygiene and disinfect the interior of shoes.

However, the feet bad odor problem have an easy solution. The SinOdor range of products is the solution for that problem; it helps with the excessive sweating and feet bad odor.

Herbifeet SinOdor range of products

Herbifeet SinOdor range of products have different types of products that will help you to combat feet bad odor (skin and shoes):

Insoles: SinOdor insoles have a triple effect (anti odor, anti-sweating and anti-breathable) that affects against the root of the problem. These insoles achieve a higher efficacy in reducing bad odor, foot fresh, comfort and last longing.

Podiatry powder: apply on the foot or the shoe after taking a shower. This powder alleviates the excessive sweating and feet bad odor. In addition, this product contains Aloe Vera.

Podiatry spray: it acts as refreshing, deodorant and anti-breathable. The spray podiatry is vaporized in the foot after washing it, having special care in open wounds or irritated skin.

 Shoes deodorant: neutralize bad odors up to 48 hours. We have to vaporize the deodorant inside the shoe to achieve a complete protection against bad odor.

 Cleaning shoes spray: it is designed for insoles cleaning and disinfection. We have to spray it on the insoles, rub it and finally, left to air dry. Removes up to 99.99% of bacteria.

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