Sport Massage

Sport Massage

Muscle injuries are common among those who practice sports and in some situations are products of falls or misplacement of one of the extremities. In this case, sports massages are the best option to prevent and treat these problems. But this is not only a matter of athletes, as they can affect anyone and also be caused by disease or other causes. Nor can we forget injuries to tendons or joints, caused by poorly performed exercises, contusions and injuries.

We have all experienced muscular pains at some point, but we should not put them aside and underestimate their consequences. In fact, if the pain is constant, more muscle areas may be involved and even affect the ligaments, tendons or joints. As a consequence, these pains can hinder our daily activities.

Treating this type of injury in time is essential and it is advisable to do so using creams or gels with components that favor the distension of the muscles. In addition, if you want to avoid abusive use of medications, HERBI FEET has heat-based solutions such as Farma Parchi Thermal Patches, also avaliable for uncomfortable menstrual cramps.

Massages are a very important part of the treatment and have multiple benefits: they control pain, prevent possible injuries, reduce stress, release toxins, tone our body, improve the circulatory system, give greater elasticity to the skin and reduce muscle contractures.

The massages applied after practising sport help in the recovery, an effect guaranteed by diverse medical studies, and without secondary effects! So do not hesitate, bet on the combination of Massage and Pain products.HERBI FEET offers many different products which are ideal for this purpose from balms and solid oils to sports-specific solutions such as Artroben Emugel for Joint Massages and Fisioben Sports Lotion.

Products that can help you

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