Bunion and Heel Protectors

Bunion and Heel Protectors

A bunion or hallux valgus is a bone bulge that normally sticks out on the side of the big toe due to an inward deviation by the toe phalange bones and an outward deviation by the metatarsal bone. Besides how bothersome it is in general, this deviation is very uncomfortable when wearing shoes because of the friction which causes constant suffering when walking.

In addition to wearing footwear that is not very adequate or having suffered some type of trauma, the main cause of this problem is usually the way in which one steps as the bones gradually deform as a result of the weight of the body and the movement against them. Abnormal step is usually a genetic issue.

There’s nothing like protectors when it comes to preventing it as they protect the area against chafing and excessive pressure, which reduces the pain and protects the foot.

Herbi Feet has several types of protectors, made of both gel and silicon, which are soft, comfortable and easy to insert. Don’t find yourself without these essential and fundamental items for fighting bunions.

Special attention is also need for heel chafing, especially when caused by new footwear that is particularly rigid or worn without socks. For this issue, which is unfortunately very recurrent, a good protector used early will prevent irritation to the Achilles tendon area. And since this problem affects people of all ages, Herbi Feet has protectors specially designed for children and adults.

Don’t forget to use Bunion and Heel Protectors; they’ll improve your daily life.

Protectores para juanetes y talón

How bunion and heel protectors work

The purpose of a bunion protector, whether on the big toe or the fifth toe, is to correct toe posture during initial stages and protect from chafing, skin pain and bone pain. Some bunion protectors are left on all night so the bone can get its posture back naturally. Find out what type of protector is best in each case and for each type of foot.

Heel protectors prevent the formation of calluses and improve foot shape. They’re recommended for people who do sport or walk a lot as well as for children as jumping, running and doing sport in an uncontrolled manner and inadequate footwear can create very bothersome situations.

Rehabilitation after bunion surgery

If toe deformation cannot be avoided due to bunions, surgery is likely in many cases. Recovery will take time, will be uncomfortable and painful, depending on each person’s tolerance for pain. Despite this, it is important to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible. What should you do?

  • Eat well and rest all you can. Yes, there’s a painful part to the rehabilitation and the other part is paying attention to the rest of your body. A well-nourished body can heal from wounds faster and defend itself from infection. Amino acids repair and reconstruct the body; vitamin C is an antioxidant that fosters healing. Carbohydrates provide glucose which is needed to give the body energy as well as nutrients, which reinforce the immune system, and fibre.
  • Sleeping enough hoursreinforces the immune system, regenerates tissue, releases stress in the muscles, backbone and joints, regulates blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and improves brain activity, which are all necessary for proper post-surgery rehabilitation.
  • Do the exercises recommended by your doctor. They may be painful, but the doctor is the one who knows which exercises you need for recovery. However, don’t feel pressured and overexert yourself. When in doubt or when you notice a change in colour, swelling, fever, no improvement or any other situation, always see a doctor. It doesn’t matter how many times you ask. You’ll find good tips on the Internet, but every person and every body are different; tips should be considered references. Your doctor is the one who should decide.

The importance of learning to walk correctly

We learn to walk when we’re young; however, our beginnings are instable and we haven’t always used the proper footwear. Later on, we acquire certain posture habits either due to the weight of our school books, our shoes or by imitation. Adults have always been a good mirror for the youngest without even realising it. And one day, after many years, we suffer back pain, feet deformities and discomfort and we realise we still don’t know how to walk.

We hardly pay any attention to it since we see it as a mechanical action. There’s one basic rule to walking: heel, sole, tip, straight back and arms on the sides, moving to the pace. It’s very simple and we all think we do it right but, take a look at your soles, tips and the edges of your shoes. Do they show equal wear? Dragging the feet, turning them when walking or twisting ankles are quite common. These postures must be corrected as soon as possible and best at an early age.

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