Elastic Supports

Elastic Supports

We offer you a range of Artroben elastic supports to practice whatever sport. Herbi Feet is aware of injure or physical discomfort is the worst moment for an athlete, thus our broad range of elastic supports help you to work and strengthen the injured joint.

Usually, the most affected body areas during the sport activity are the joints: wrist, knee, ankle and so on. Therefore, our Artroben products present a great variety of elastic supports to treat joint pathologies.

Back elastic supports

Back, abdominal and dorsal elastic supports add an extra protection in contact sport activities or weight training.

This back elastic supports allow practicing sport after having lumbago without severity. Thus, the protectors will help the athlete to avoid forced back activities that may cause a major pain.

Other pathologies elastic supports

Elastic supports can be helpful for other type of pathologies and treatments: Hallux Valgus, bunion night corrector or maternal belt. These elastic supports make the life of the person easier, for instance, Halluz Valgus splint avoids frictions in the bunion area and corrects this foot deformity.

Artroben maternal belt add light support during pregnancy, avoiding back pain and fatigue in future mums.

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