Foot Odour

Do you have smelly feet? Don’t let this problem embarrass you, look for the causes of that unpleasant smell and the best solution for your case.

Sweating is an essential function that helps the body stay cool. It is well known that the bad odor of sweat is not properly from the sweat itself, but from the bacteria that feed on it.

Excessive sweating and lack of foot hygiene can also lead to the appearance of foot fungus, as the feet are in their ideal moist environment for their development.

To prevent sweating and foot odor, or to mitigate its uncomfortable effects, it is necessary, above all, to maintain good daily hygiene and every so often it is important to disinfect the inside of the shoes, to prevent the formation of fungus.

However, there are cases in which even thorough hygiene in that area is not able to eliminate the odor. When this happens, HERBI FEET offers products that help eliminate the odor of sweat, such as insoles, socks and podiatric powders (all available in our SINODOR range).

Say goodbye to annoying foot odor!

Causes of Foot Odor

Foot odor occurs when bacteria from sweat mix with the air. The problem is: why if we all sweat, don’t we all have bad foot odor?

There are two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. This sweat is, in principle, an odorless liquid. . Las glándulas ecrinas producen sudor con el fin de regular nuestra temperatura corporal, es por ello que sudamos cuando hacemos ejercicio. Por otro lado, las glándulas apocrinas segregan un sudor diferente, aceitoso, que no se evapora y no tiene la función indicada anteriormente.

Although the sweat produced by both glands is odorless, there are bacteria in the areas where there is more perspiration that interact with the sweat and can produce bad odor, as is the case of the feet.

Wearing your feet enclosed in shoes for a long time, several days a week or even during the hottest times of the year, does not help to reduce foot odor. The feet start sweating more to try to control the body temperature, since it is the part of the body where there are more sweat glands. This sweat will be difficult to evaporate, as the feet are enclosed. This is the ideal situation for bacteria to proliferate.

We can find keratin in our skin, also in our feet. When we expose the keratin in our feet to constant moisture, we are serving food for bacteria on a plate. It is due to the bacteria that feed on keratin that an unpleasant odor is released: foot odor.

Therefore, we will suffer from foot odor depending on how much sweat we generate throughout the day and the amount of time we spend with our feet covered, causing the sweat not to evaporate properly.

Causes of Sweating

Hot environments.

Emotions and stress.

Hot or spicy food.

Physical activity and movement in general.

Side effects of medications or surgeries.

Diseases, as the body fights infections and fever.

Hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, menstruation or puberty.

foot odor

More specifically in the feet, excessive sweating and lack of hygiene can cause bad odor, but sweaty feet can be more than just a nuisance. Fungi can appear on the feet, as they are in their ideal moist environment for their development.

To prevent sweating and foot odor, or to mitigate its uncomfortable effects, it is necessary, above all, to maintain good daily hygiene and every so often it is important to disinfect the inside of the shoes, to prevent the formation of fungus.

However, there are cases where even thorough hygiene in that area is not able to eliminate the odor. When this happens, HERBI FEET offers products that help eliminate the odor of sweat, such as insoles, sock sprays and podiatric powders, all available in our SINODOR range.

Tips to avoid foot odor

  • Sweat is easily trapped in the feet and toes: wipe and dry them thoroughly at least once a day.
  • Socks made from natural materials such as cotton or bamboo fibers are the best choice because they make you sweat less.
  • Change your socks at least once a day.
  • Wear shoes made of materials such as leather or canvas. Wearing sandals during the summer is a good option to let your feet breathe.
  • Do not wear the same footwear every day, depending on the perspiration it will need time to dry.
  • Deodorizes insoles. Talcum powder can help absorb sweat and keep shoes fresh.
  • Consider using a foot soap or foot deodorant, especially in warm or hot climates.
how to remove foot odor

Prevents foot odor

You can avoid this by using antiperspirants and a correct way of dressing your feet. There are new fashions that are detrimental to the health of your feet, such as wearing closed shoes without socks.

The function of socks is to prevent chafing and absorb sweat, if we do not have them, we must take into account that our feet can release about 28 cl of sweat, the equivalent of pouring almost a can of soda inside our shoes. Thus, it is very easy to imagine the effect that sweat and heat have on our feet, not only the odor, but also the infections. It is not advisable at all to be several hours without socks in closed shoes.

Before wearing a closed shoe, either without socks or with socks, but with a foot that perspires too much, you should use an antiperspirant product for the sole of the feet. You can also use our SinOdor insoles, preferably with a deodorant effect, so that they can be removed from the shoe and dried more quickly.

It is important to keep in mind that excessive sweating or exposure to humidity can cause fungus and can lead to more complicated diseases such as:

  • Infectious cellulitis. This is a bacterial infection in the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Allergy. Some people may suffer allergies to some proteins produced by dermatophytes that pass into the bloodstream causing blisters on the fingers and toes, also in some cases on the arms and chest.
  • Bacterial infection. Cracks in the skin allow bacteria to enter the soft tissues, leading to more serious infections.
  • Nail fungal infection. When fungal infection reaches the toenails, they change color and become thick and scaly. If this occurs, it can cause a lot of pain.

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