Bunions are caused by a deviation of the big toe, which usually affects the other toes as well. The head of the first metatarsal protrudes excessively from the inner part of the foot, causing pain due to the pathology itself and to the friction of the skin of the affected area with the shoe.
What are bunions?
Bunions on the feet or Hallux Valgus, more common in women, is a bony bony deformity that usually occurs in the big toe by the inward deviation of the phalanges of the toe and the metatarsal outward.
This deviation, in addition to the discomfort it can cause in itself, is very uncomfortable when wearing shoes, since it rubs against them and turns walking into a constant suffering.

Main symptoms of bunions
The three main problems are pain, difficulty in getting into shoes and aesthetic problems.
The juvenile bunion is usually not painful, but it does offer inconveniences for shoe fitting, while the adult bunion presents all three problems.
Pain and swelling, which worsen with movement, are two symptoms of bunions that are located either in the area where the toe joins the rest of the foot, or directly over the bunion. Other times it occurs on the plantar aspect ( underfoot area) of the joint, on the plantar aspect of the forefoot, or on the entire foot.
Pain on the inner side is usually due to painful calluses located over the bunion and, above all, to inflammation. Plantar pain is often related to joint problems, such as osteoarthritis.
When wearing high-heeled shoes that force the toe into a chronically extended position, or when a hallux valgus or bunion pushes the second toe or hammers it, the extensor forces maintained over a long period of time end up stretching and thinning the joint capsule of the second toe, which also ends up being affected.
These different varieties of presentation and localization of pain oblige the specialist to explore not only the forefoot, but also the foot as a whole, instead of concentrating exclusively on the deformity of the first toe.
Causes of Bunions
The causes of the deviation are usually arthritis, osteoarthritis, genetic inheritance or, in short, any deforming osteopathy. In addition, with new trends in footwear, which are becoming increasingly narrower and less anatomical, there is also a need to protect the fifth toe, as many people suffer from pain in this area. In Hebifeet™you will find the so-called Tailor’s Bunion Protector, ideal to prevent it.
In addition to using inappropriate footwear or having suffered some trauma, the main cause of bunions is usually the way we step, so the bones are deformed as a result of the weight of the body and the movement to which it is being subjected. This abnormal footfall usually has genetic components.
Treatment for Bunions
To avoid this, there is nothing like bunion protectors, as they protect the area against chafing and excessive pressure, reducing pain and protecting the skin. In HerbiFeet we have different types of protectors, both gel and silicone, soft, comfortable and easy to apply. Don’t miss these fundamental and essential elements to fight Hallux Valgus.
The first measure to take when we discover the presence of bunions on the feet or the deviation of the first toe outwards, is to change the type of shoe for a wide one that allows the distribution of the toes without major problems.
To redirect the toe deviation caused by bunions on the feet, gel orthoses can be used to protect the bunion from rubbing, or devices to separate the toes.
If the bunion worsens causing severe deformity and pain, surgery may be necessary to realign the toe and remove the bony prominence.

Products for treatment of bunions
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Advantages of bunion products
Reduces pain and inflammation.
Protection of the metatarsal heads and bunion.
Prevents calluses and corns from forming.
Helps in the alignment of fingers.
Reduces friction and pressure in Hallux Valgus.
Offers protection in helomas and interdigital rubbing.
Bunion Protectors
Bunions or Hallux Valgus usually cause discomfort when walking, since the bony protrusion they generate produces friction with footwear. To solve this problem, there is nothing like bunionette protectors. This product reduces pain and protects the skin in the affected area, thus improving the patient’s quality of life.
At Herbi Feet we have different types of protectors, designed to alleviate pain in the area when walking and to protect the skin from possible friction or wounds. These protectors are very comfortable to wear while driving and easy to put on.
If you suffer from bunions, it is time to stop feeling pain when walking, with Herbi Feet products designed specifically for this pathology you will be able to alleviate the pain almost definitively.